Category: Thought For Food

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Crickets: They're What's for Dinner
Crickets: They’re What’s for Dinner

“One hundred thousand crickets…in your basement?” With this excerpt from a recent conversation, Eric Palen, a local entrepeneur who is in the business of farming insects as food, raised a lot of questions and even more eyebrows about this growing trend. After the “gross factor” fades, the facts emerge. It turns out we’ve found a […]

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Talkin' 'bout our (next) generation
Talkin’ ‘bout our (next) generation.

I’ve been to a number of conferences over the past year and inevitably, the agenda includes at least one breakout about “Millennials”. There’s always an audible groan as attendees agree that they have “heard enough about this generation of experience-seeking, non-committal, entitled kids!”. (I should mention here that I am considered a Millennial myself…) Anyway, […]

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What's your function?
What’s your function?

Have you had pH balanced water recently? Or added a teaspoon of collagen to your coffee? Maybe enjoyed a beverage with probiotics like kombucha? While not everyone has jumped on this trend, the functional food market is growing rapidly, with revenue projected to reach over 440 billion dollars by 20221. Referring to food and drinks […]

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Your brand is your foundation
Your brand is your foundation

It was a curious scenario: the company had incorporated digital advertising into its marketing program, sales were up and the return on ad spend had increased. But brand affinity was in serious decline (brand affinity being a metric that lets market researchers make predictions about how a consumer will behave).1 In fact, a relevancy study […]

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Save yourself from the trap of “saving” labor
Save yourself from the trap of “saving” labor

Like many working professionals these days, I take my lunch breaks at my workstation and use those precious 30 minutes to read through the never-ending stack of industry publications on my desk. I was flipping through a recent edition of FoodService Director today when a small line of copy on a page ad catches my […]

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The New Convenience
The “New” Convenience

It’s Wednesday around lunchtime and, like many working professionals, I’ve hopped over to the local grocery store in search of a quick meal before my next meeting. Expectedly, the line for the salad bar is four or five people deep, as well as the Asian wok station, the sushi bar and the deli counter. Yet […]

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