Segment: Restaurants
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How to Brand With Audio
When it comes to storytelling, the one thing audio can do that visual mediums can’t is: give the eyes a rest. With screen-time at a fever pitch, digital audio can be a welcome, engaging, and memorable solution. Podcasts, social audio, and sonic logos are just a few intriguing elements of this digital listening space.

Clear As Mud
Struggling with what to expect in foodservice? Here’s our take on what foodservice might look like in the future, broken down by segment.

The Language of Color
Color can influence up to 90% of a first impression, and is one of several devices used to convey brand personality and uniqueness.

Why You Should Experiment with Savory Flavors in 2021
2020 was a sweets-filled year, but many signs are pointing to a savory 2021 and beyond.

Creating Mealtime Ambiance
At JT Mega, we pledge to not only support our local restaurants with takeout patronage, but to curb our home cooking fatigue by making all of the kitchen toil worth it.

5 Tips For Branding A Virtual Restaurant
For restaurant operators pursuing virtual concepts, we are offering up our short list of branding advice.