Segment: beverages

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15 food + beverage podcasts you should be listening to
Podcast Picks and Best Practices

Podcasts are no longer niche. Most adults are listening weekly. In our industry, brands from Trader Joe’s to Crumbl Cookie are getting in on it. This month, we’ll be sharing not only the food, beverage, and restaurant podcasts on our radar, but best practices from our experience in podcast development.

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illustrated graphic of a ticket to the retail theater
14 Examples of Retail Theater

The term “retail theater” has become synonymous with “in-store experience”. We subscribe to a more pure, undiluted definition – one that holds the term to a higher standard and should be reserved for engagements that meet more of the criteria for live theater. In our opinion, retail theater is rare, but we’ve located 14 examples across the globe that truly deliver.

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Girl Power illustrated text
Catch the Girl Power Wave

After nearly a century of efforts designed to help young girls reimagine what it means to be one, girls – of all ages – are taking charge.

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animation of an illustrated sliced pizza, the slices are disappearing in a counter-clockwise order
Nostalgia: 2 Ways In

The desire to reconnect with things from the past that once brought us joy is not a byproduct of the pandemic, it’s a desire that’s been here all along. What tends to change are the particular items (and decades) consumers yearn for.

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Food for the Hormonal Roller Coaster
What You Should Know About Hormonal Health Diets

In health and diet, consumers have a habit of chasing that next big thing – even when it’s controversial. Keto, Whole 30 and a host of other “lifestyle diets” have been scrutinized (and discouraged) by leading health experts like the Mayo Clinic, Harvard, and Prevention magazine, and yet they remain. New propositions under the dietary platform of “hormonal health” have physicians seemingly jumping out of their skin, and yet, they’re still turning consumers’ heads.  

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Handling the Holiday Hangover

Inspired by the holiday season, we’ve looked at the many ways to “profit” from hangover remedies. Whether arming us in our personal lives or aiding us in business, these examples provide value.

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